Biology Field Trip

Biology Field Trip
Long Beach Aquarium

Long Beach Aquarium Field Trip

This is a wonderful time for the students to explore the exhibits that include representations of aquatic life from sunny Southern California and Baja, the frigid waters of the North Pacific, and the colorful reefs of the Tropical Pacific. Come face-to-face with, and even touch, the ocean’s ultimate predators in Shark Lagoon, and hand feed Lorikeet birds. The students get to take in these exhibits and more in a self-guided tour. More fun and learning occurs as biology students will participate in interactive learning coupled with a real dissection in the Inside A Squid classroom.

This field trip is for all the biology classes. Students are expected to attend and complete the assigned work. In the event of absence the associated work is still required.

Date: Friday, November 19th, 2010

Field Trip Time: 8:15am - 3:00pm

Transportation: Bus

Uniforms are required. Bring a sack lunch or money to purchase food at the aquarium. Permission slip is required. The classes will end the day at Smalley Park prior to coming back to school.

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