2nd Semester Community Service Due

2nd Semester Community Service Due
CCHS Office

*** The Calvary Chapel High School community service requirement is a total of 16 hours for the whole year.


Students must complete 8 hours PER semester. Community service hours CANNOT roll over from the 1st semester into the 2nd semester.


Beginning February 2nd, students are required to complete 8 hours of community service for the 2nd semester of the school year. The due date, to complete the 2nd semester 8 hours and turn in the form (to the high school office before 3:45pm) is June 2, 2010.



If Seniors have not completed the community service hours and turn in the form (to the high school office before 3:45pm) on or before June 2nd Seniors will not be allowed to participate in the Senior breakfast, Grad Night or walk in the graduation ceremony. Grad fees are non-refundable. In addition, their Bible grade will be docked 15%.

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